Primary Crops
Canola / Malting Barley / Wheat (Hodge, Brandon HRS) / Oats / Faba Bean / Flax
Green Ash Acres
About Green Ash Acres
Green Ashe Acres is 3,800 cultivated acres. We are family owned and operated. Dave and Kari moved home in 1986 to farm with his brother and father, establishing the current farm yard site where they raised 5 children. In 2013 their son Bryce and his wife, after finishing University with Agriculture degrees, moved back to LeRoy to take over the family farm. They now have 3 children, Madison, Rylin, and Trey and live in the farm house. We utilize help from family (siblings, cousins) as well as a few part time workers to help with seeding and harvest. This is truly a family operation
Bryce also runs an agricultural consulting company focusing on Soil Fertility. He sits on the Saskatchewan Fertility Council and collaborates with other boards and research facilities to further soil fertility research in Saskatchewan. Breann works as the retail agronomist for our local ag inputs dealer
We are looking at expanding and growing the farm in the near future, continually upgrading our bin yard as well as grain handling system, and focused on new technologies and efficiencies of crop production such as variable rate technology, real time data collection, soil improvement practices such as tiling on saline land, etc
Our Region
LeRoy is located just East of the Quill Lake plains in East Central Sk. Due to our local climactic conditions we are focused on mainly Canola, Milling Wheat, Malting Barley, Peas, Faba Beans, Oat, and Flax production. This area has a strong agricultural history and current base. We farm mainly loam-clay loam soils and still maintain tree lines and natural habitats around our land
Equipment / Technology:
We run Case tractors and sprayer, and new holland combines. We have two 2WD tractors, and one FWA tractor. We have three 4WD tractors, one high clearance sprayer, one swather, two NH combines. We have two semi trucks, one with a tandem axle grain trailer and one with a tri-axle grain trailer. We also own a grain dryer, bagger, extractor, and pull dozer with a neighbour
We soil test our land every year and fertilize accordingly, including potassium and zinc where required. We have also implemented variable rate technology on around 50% of our land, with plans to implement on all land. We use nitrogen stabilizer products as well as an integrated pest management system with focus on soil health, herbicide resistance mitigation, fungicide resistance mitigation, and top soil preservation
Storage Bins / Capacity:
As of July we will have 160,000 bushels of storage, with bin sizes from 1,800 bushels to 32,000 bushels
As an individual Bryce is a Professional Agrologist (PAg) with the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists (SIA), has a BSA in Agronomy and Minor in Agribusiness, sits on the Saskatchewan Soil Fertility Council, consults for some independent retails, and is involved in being a guest presenter in University of Saskatchewan, as well as local colleges. Breann is also a designated Professional Agrologist with the SIA and has a BSA in Applied Plant Ecology. Dave was a partner with Meyers Norris and Penny until recent retirement, and is still involved in many groups
Research Projects:
Annually we conduct trials on our own land. We have completed micronutrient trials, fungicide trials, fertility rate trials, variety trials, seeding method trials, insect research with the University of Saskatchewan, winter crop survival data collection, and many others in the last 2 years. We partner with suppliers and other research groups for in field research. In Bryce’s off farm consulting business he is involved in research and industry collaboration every year in many different avenues including the Sk soil fertility Council
We are an incredibly efficient, sustainable, and knowledgeable group. With Bryce, Breann, and Dave being industry professionals with many connections, our farm benefits from the most current and up to date information and research in agriculture both in agronomy and business (Daves connections to MNP and other ag business professionals). As a participant in research both on and off-farm we have contributed back to this agricultural innovation
Future Plans:
We look to increase acres and productivity of our current acres. Growth will be sustainable and profitable without sacrificing agronomy or ignoring proper stewardship of the land. If land becomes available we would like to see a 20-40% increase in land base, full variable rate applications focusing on soil fertility and health, better management of saline areas of the farm, and some full time employment for outside farm help