Primary Services
Grain Cleaning / Mixed-Grain Separations / Ergot & Excreta Removal / Grade Upgrading via Dockage Removal

About Grainland Seeds Ltd.
My name is Dean, and I am the owner of Grainland Seeds, Ltd. I was raised on a family farm, went to school in Naicam, Saskatchewan and then attended University of Saskatchewan, where I received a Diploma in Agriculture.
I operated a grain farm from 1976 until 2006, and was a Select Seed and Pedigreed Seed grower, and operated an Authorized Seed Establishment with Approved Grader status to clean and grade pedigreed seed under the authority of the Canadian Seed Growers Association. I have had experience cleaning and grading seed since 1979, in the areas of pedigreed seed and export standards.
The operation consists of two mobile grain cleaners, with a third under construction. My current clientele is primarily farm based, where I mostly clean grain for planting seed, but we also do mixed grain separations, ergot and excreta removal, as well as grade upgrading through dockage removal.
I am well positioned with the experience and equipment to provide the service of cleaning, loading and grading grain for export shipments.
Equipment / Technology:
Cleaner 1
Equipped with a scalper/aspirator, 6-roll indent cleaner and a 3-deck air and screen machine, all mounted on a 30 foot gooseneck trailer. It has an average capacity of 400 bushels, or 10 tonnes , per hour.
This unit is powered by diesel generators, and pulled with highway tractor units. It is entirely self contained and needs no outside power or conveyer systems to operate.
Cleaner 2
Cleaner 2 has a scalper/aspirator, 9-roll indent cleaner, a 6-deck air and screen machine and a density separator. It is mounted on a 48-foot semi trailer. Its capacity is 800 bushels, or 20 tonnes, per hour.
This unit is also diesel powered, tractor pulled, and entirely self contained, needing no outside power or conveyer system to operate.
Cleaner 3
Currently under construction, this unit will have a scalper/aspirator, a 4-roll screen pre cleaner, an 8-roll indent, a 4-deck air screen machine and a 10-chute colour sorter. This will be mounted on a 53-foot semi trailer. It will be powered by a diesel generator and be totally self contained. I expect it to have a cleaning capacity of 1200 bushels, or 30 tonnes, per hour.
Container Loading Unit
The Container Loading Unit consists of a 30-tonne per hour legal-for-trade scale, and is self-contained with its own conveyors and power supply. These are mounted on a twenty foot gooseneck trailer
Contact Grainland Seeds Ltd.
1 (306) 231 - 3920